“The things I learned from Cheska's coaching are super useful: sometimes I feel a lack of energy, tired and I can easily fall into negativity. In these times, I retrace all the principles I learned in my sessions (core, breath, energy, diet etc.), and doing the Sun Salutation I find again my alignment and equilibrium. So thank you again for everything."
Andreas - Actor
"Cheska's coaching is really amazing. She taught me some strong foundations for so many things, especially voice and character work. I can really feel a difference with concentration, and am now connecting my body to my mind without even thinking about it. It is now just a natural continuation from what we were doing in the sessions"
Lara - Actor
“In six months of sessions Cheska has provided me with a wide range of tools to help me navigate various mental and physical challenges of every day life – from nutritional advice to help deal with gut problems, to breathing exercises to combat anxiety and physical exercises to improve posture and core strength. Her incredibly in-depth and far-reaching knowledge of the mind and body has the potential to help anyone looking to improve their health / life - in both the short and long term.”
Bethany - Editor
United Kingdom

"In 2019 I suffered a severe knee injury. I worked with a team of specialised physiotherapists, GPs, and orthopaedic surgeons for 18 months to no avail. I was informed that the damage to my knee was permeant and little could be done other than pain management. Determined to overcome their verdicts I approached Cheska for help. She soon realised my problems stemmed from ingrained patterns of muscle weakness, imbalance, and lack of body awareness and proprioception. We started with deep breathing exercises, targeted core workouts, and basic stability techniques before moving on to strengthening my injured knee. It has since recovered to a degree I never thought it could, and enabled me to pursue – while still cautiously but with renewed excitement – my favourite outdoor exercises, hiking Tasmanian mountains and surfing the Southern Ocean. Cheska’s integrated approach to rehabilitation helped tie together the qigong, acupuncture and yin yoga I am now doing alongside her work. Her focus on overall well-being, specifically movement, diet, and mental health have been integral in my rehabilitation journey. I have no doubt that I would still be stuck in the same place had it not been for Cheska incorporating alignment, posture, and meditation into my training. As of late she has also been teaching me ballet for further strengthening and balance which I find playful and joyous. I admire how she can effortlessly tailor a set of specific exercises, choosing from a broad range of movement traditions to help maximise your recovery."
Kat - Lightsmith

“If you are struggling with a health issue including adrenal fatigue and can’t seem to find a solution or make sense of the advice you are being offered then Cheska is your answer. Her depth and breadth of knowledge is extraordinary, she always seems to know just exactly what you mean, and what the answer is, and she makes the solution simple and doable, and most of all empowers you to have understanding of, and control over, your own health. She is a ray of light, in both her nature, and her ability to pinpoint the problem. Go ahead and book in, you will be so glad you did - I was.”
Helen - Psychologist
United Kingdom
"Congratulations on the successes you are having with a coordinated approach to physical and mental health, it's impressive that you are managing to achieve these results with your international clientele!"
Ed Bullmore - Head of Psychiatry
Cambridge University
United Kingdom

"As a psychotherapist I have always been curious about the complex and subtle ways in which the brain and body systems interact with one another. My own journey of discovery began with Pilates and has now found its way to the Melt Method, Yoga and now breath work. Cheska’s breathing course has been transformative. I discovered I was a shallow breather, which prevented me from doing things well, eg: drinking, eating, walking, self-regulating, and yoga. By learning to breathe correctly, I can now oxygenate more efficiently, identify when I’m stressed, meditate properly, and engage my body’s core strength. My new understanding of how to breathe informs the way I work with my own patients as a psychoanalyst. Cheska's integrated breath-work programme is life-changing and life-enhancing.”
Cecilia - Psychotherapist
United Kingdom
"I began working with Cheska during lockdown, initially because of a bad back and knee problem. However, I learned that these problems stemmed from poor core activation. I battled with the notion that I needed to re-learn to breath properly in order to activate my core. As a musician who relied on their breath I found this a bit discombobulating. However, Cheska's approach to breathing correctly was simple and effective and within a couple of weeks I could do it. Not only did this new found breath help with my core strength, it also helped with my oboe playing. I discovered through my work with Cheska that the breath really is the foundation of everything."
Joel - Musician | Stress Management & Resilience Consultant
United Kingdom